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Tarot and Oracle messages that are meant for you are just so special. Receive them with a smile.

 A special reading just for you.      Believing in that moment where a special reading is being delivered just for you is a privilege. The Universe has its way of looking after your affairs and letting you know if you are on the right path or simply doing things right for you. How do these messages go across toward you?     Listening to your Intuition is one way of receiving these messages upfront.       If ever you doubt these direct messages, we set across to find more signs around us. This is where synchronicities and alignments are. They are being set there for you to see. They are there for you to see the signs of the process that is ongoing.     If you still, do not see it as is, there are ways that the messages will still be passed to you.      Tarot and Oracle Reading is one way of receiving it. Reading for yourself and tapping into your Intuition is one way to do it. If you are into this, then you know h...

Letting Go of the things that do not work for me anymore. Clearing the Path for the New Energy that Arrives. Getting Ready for the Process.

    GETTING READY FOR THE PROCESS...      T he only way to welcome the new is to clear the path for it to pass.     A process that every one of us hates so much is the "Letting Go" experience. This is the hardest part ever for me. Why do I say this?     Before I can ever do this, I will have to distinguish what they are actually. Sometimes it is just a matter of saying this and saying that but actually, it is not that at all. An automatic word or phrase comes into mind most of the time. A very common thing or very common mistake in life. Remember, the New Year's resolutions we all make in our school papers or in our diaries mostly begin with the things we do not like to do anymore. Instead of approaching it with The Things That We Want, we start with that which we do not want. That is what I mean by AUTOMATIC LISTING.     In this topic of " Letting Go ", is more on a Personal and Deeper Level. Kinda hard to really get into this leve...

Release ... Let Go ... Clean-up ... Flush Away

                 Taking a moment to go into things that hurt me, disappoint me, make me unhappy, make me weak, make me think of self-pity, accept negative vibrations that make me so low and incompetent... and a lot more. Today I am being prompted to go into these things and " Let Go " of them all. The " Mastery of Being Still " can help in this situation. The " not moving forward or not doing something aside from what is being told by, this is how it is to be still. From today until tonight is the powerful presence of Mother Moon that is telling us all to FINALLY Let Go of these feelings, thoughts, and situations, for they are not needed anymore. And so, this experience will truly make my day emotional has this tendency to be vulnerable to power shortages. But, even though this might be the case, all is well after the ritual. Emotional indeed. It is because all that was causing me emotional stress. For all we know, stress like thi...

Turbulent Times During Change, A True Sign of Great Manifestation of Desire.

  What keeps us going when we are on the verge of " Change "? What can I say? Whenever we talk about " Change ", we all seem to wonder what will happen when we accept it. The Commitment: When we look at our lives and see that we are not going anywhere with it, we wonder why. Sometimes when a problem comes, we think about it and just say, " Well, if I had done it the other way, this could not have happened. " And yet, when an opportunity comes for us to have that " Change ", we scram. I know it is hard to look into the process of " Change " even if we want it or even need it. The more it will be hard for us to commit to it. So, let us look at it from another perspective. If we continue to do things the same way, then the results will probably be just the same. If we change it, then definitely there will be a different result too. Now, if we try to commit to it and then doubt the process, then all else will be in a hanging mode as well. C...

Begin Productivity by Trying out New Things and Build Hobbies along the way, while at home.

 Yes, you can try new things, so why not.      A lot of us are very hesitant to try new things. It takes a lot of effort to go on the first step. We mostly just pretend to be planning and researching certain things before trying.     We can try it without planning yet. Some things are just so fun that if it catches our attention, we will try them in the blink of an eye.      Maybe just going for it at the moment is a good idea. Just like tasting a certain food before ordering a full meal. That is the fun in it. It is trying a little and seeing what it can give you. Maybe it will open your eyes to new things or just not. You'll never know for sure.     But I agree, there are things that just really need planning and research. Too much at stake when you try it even for a little. I understand that especially if we are talking about Investments. It is risky.      But I am just talking about Hobbies that anyone can just tr...

Top 5 Reasons why we feel tired during Christmas Season... So Just Relax and Take your TIME TO HEAL.

This is really the Season to be Jolly.  But, what if you feel tired the whole season? There are reasons why people feel tired during this kind of season.  Here are some reasons why... 1. It is the time to be everybody to everybody. Why is this so? Well, this is the only time we have to be there for every loved one we have. This is a vacation where we are obliged to go to malls, shop till our wallet drops, and go to places we only go on special occasions like this ( once a year ). 2. Reunions, Special Gatherings, Night-outs and Parties. Well, this is the usual trend for all ages during this season. 3. Buy clothes and jewelry to flaunt at gatherings. This is also a tiring thing to do, especially for those celebrating Year-end and Office Parties. 4. Make sure that the family has food on the table.  This is true, especially on the Eve of Christmas and New Year. The presence of food and eat-outs are important since all are in the home in this season of celebration. 5. Presen...

Begin your Journaling Adventure Now.

Are you wandering if you can still enjoy journaling at this age? Yes, why not.  I have been journaling On and Off in years. That could only mean that I started journaling many times in my 52 years of existeence. I enjoyed it as I  explored many types of notebooks and journals. I guess, what I mean about On and Off with journaling is just being " Inconsistent ". Fear not of forgetting to write: It is not a big thing if you forget to wrute or journal. It is OK. No harm done. Even if your journal pages may have dates or numbers from 1 to 365. Writing things down or journaling can sometimes require a habit formation.  Just like me, I love writing but if times just get so busy, I seem to overlook that moment. I even skip days before I could touch my journal again.  Busy at work or in household chores, well, time to sit and write seem impossible to most of us  Journaling has its purpose: Knowing what it can do for you, I don't think you will ignore it. I saw how it he...

JOURNALING at Home: Greatest Companion any one can have at any age.

Journaling. It can be yours too. My journal has been my greatest companion in life since I knew how to write. I love the idea of writing on a paper with my favorite pen. I love the part where I start to decorate my log with flowers and borders.  It is not like it would replace a companion like a friend or loved one, it is like on a Personal Level for me.  Sometimes my logs are about the things I do not want others to know. I just have to get it off my chest. " Secrets " is what others would call it.  Most of us journal when depressed. When hard things happen and other things just go wrong, a Diary is a journal to run to. Feeling sad and lonely. A Diary is really very famous. I had that experience too but mostly I like to write something that will motivate me when I read it.  I also like to journal lessons I have learned in a day or two.  A log of powered words to keep me going. Planning daily things to do and reminders. This type of journal helps me organize my ...