A special reading just for you.
Believing in that moment where a special reading is being delivered just for you is a privilege. The Universe has its way of looking after your affairs and letting you know if you are on the right path or simply doing things right for you. How do these messages go across toward you?
Listening to your Intuition is one way of receiving these messages upfront.
If ever you doubt these direct messages, we set across to find more signs around us. This is where synchronicities and alignments are. They are being set there for you to see. They are there for you to see the signs of the process that is ongoing.
If you still, do not see it as is, there are ways that the messages will still be passed to you.
Tarot and Oracle Reading is one way of receiving it. Reading for yourself and tapping into your Intuition is one way to do it. If you are into this, then you know how this goes.
Some of us needed to hear the messages from someone else who does Tarot and Oracle reading as well. It is ok if this is the best way for you to receive it. I recommend finding the best guide you resonate with. A reader that you are comfortable with.
I will share my experience.
I had this tingling feeling long before when I was as young as 7 or 8 years old looking into the poker cards. My mother plays solitaire with these poker cards and she loved it. I learned to play myself too. Then I started to ask questions from these cards that when I finish the solitaire by completing it, then it is a YES on that question of mine. If I do not complete and finish the game, then it is a NO.
I found it so amusing and fun that I then felt that there was something magical about these cards. I myself really love to write, journal, collect pens, hold and collect thick notebooks, and hold or play with flashcards. Because the poker cards available at that time were made of flashcards, I like to play with them mostly.
Then I read about Tarot and Oracle Cards as well as Automatic Writing or Journaling in a Magic book I randomly pulled out in our school library. It was a Book of Magic and Spells. Very intriguing indeed I thought, If I love to play with the poker cards and even ask questions and get accurate answers, maybe it would be nice to explore Tarot and Oracle Cards too.
Since these decks were hard to find and if there is, expensive to purchase at my age, I settled for Poker Cards instead. I was even told by a reader ( who read for my future which is Perfect ) that when a Poker card is new I deal with it in a solitaire game. Perfected it. That is a good deck for reading messages. Especially if it is given to me.
Diving in. Skipping up.
I started reading for a person other than me when that person was in front of me when I was pregnant with my eldest son. I do not know what happened but It was so heightened that I felt I could even see a person so transparent at that time that even if they were in denial, I still see the truth. That was so intense. It felt really great yet it felt so scary.
Jumping in.
Reading for myself became my practice and automatic writing in my journaling habit just went so flawless that only now I realized that was automatic writing and manifestation in writing. So exciting.
Then I told myself, that if I received a Deck from someone ( Tarot ), That was a sign that it was time for me to pass messages to others too.
Indeed, my eldest son ( to whom I was pregnant which heightened my connection with the cards ) gave me my first deck of Tarot Cards. This was the Del Toro Deck. he said he did not know the reason why he was so amused and at the same time scared by the images of that deck yet there was that energy pushing him to buy it. Then he gave it to me. that was around November 2023 I think.
I was so afraid but excited at the same time...
Moving forward.
So I started reading for me and my family and is all good. the guidance that it brings, and the messages that are being passed on were so helpful and I love it.
Let's get moving.
Now I just launched my first reading online because I felt that energy to pass a message across. I just hope this will reach that person indeed. My First Reading Across, February 19. 2025 Actually My first was with my private platform account, only for my friends collective. Since it is in a closed small circle of people, I do not consider it as my first.
I receive messages for me, then for my husband, then with my kids...It is all good.
I love to do readings one on one, face-to-face.
So, how about doing so for your own personal needs. There is no harm in it. If you receive a message, then smile. Thank the Universe for it. If it is not for you, then you will feel it. Then hope that the message will reach the right person.
These messages are like other people too. Like your friends who will give you advice and answer your questions. It's just that these messages are Special. They are not somebody else's. They are magical in a way.
You may begin with listening to your Zodiac reading, but this is more of a general reading. Personal reading is different. But that is one way of opening your Intuition to the collective and trying to connect within. Then journal your experience.
I hope I have inspired you with my story and I will publish another story soon. Thank you for reading my blog.
Have a Blessed Day.
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