Taking a moment to go into things that hurt me, disappoint me, make me unhappy, make me weak, make me think of self-pity, accept negative vibrations that make me so low and incompetent... and a lot more.
Today I am being prompted to go into these things and " Let Go " of them all.
The " Mastery of Being Still " can help in this situation. The " not moving forward or not doing something aside from what is being told by, this is how it is to be still.
From today until tonight is the powerful presence of Mother Moon that is telling us all to FINALLY Let Go of these feelings, thoughts, and situations, for they are not needed anymore.
And so, this experience will truly make my day emotional has this tendency to be vulnerable to power shortages. But, even though this might be the case, all is well after the ritual.
Emotional indeed. It is because all that was causing me emotional stress. For all we know, stress like this will soon lead to physical stress as well. I do not want this now. I believe I already did this last year.
I started around October toward November 2023. Then I had this Transformational Event in my life around December 2023 when my mom died and my daughter ditched us. My body was already in the state of this great transformation since October and accelerated. The peak of that event was December 2023 toward January 2024. It was like I died.
It was a Very Powerful Event of Pure and Full Transformation of the Whole Me. I have seen this in movies that for a person to reach his higher self, that person has to commit to it and undergo this moment of Breakdown. This is something that is so unbelievably strong that it can be said that one must die. It is the death of the old self toward the birth of the new.
Well, I felt it the. I was afraid then and I just remembered that I had this commitment that I made to myself that I wanted and this started it all. I BELIEVE IT WAS ALL A DEVINE INTERVENTION MOMENT too.
I felt that death in me, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. It was like a Death Card, a slow process at first. It was one way for the Universe to test the commitment made. Then, when all arrangements are being set and are in place, The Tower card moment happens. It is a big crushing moment. It is like Breaking Myself down into bits of pieces and then slowly melting with heat and cold at the same time that I thought I was really going to die.
All my hopes of myself to get through it made me think too that I have to Trust the Process. Just like the moment I decided on that Total Change in My Life.
So I felt it, I died. I even felt my husband's sadness in my heart that he did not want me to go. He loves me so much that even though I am in pain and cannot go to places with him for some time because of so much bleeding and exhaustion, he does not show his sadness.
Having this Love to hold on to, I felt that this was all a part of my process and so it is.
I slowly had this Newness in me felt completely after such pain and that was the time that I felt that The Tower moment of breaking down the old is now in the building of the new which is in a more solid foundation.
My mind was indeed in a Clean Slate and being protected by my guides that nothing could enter without my consent. Then my body slowly recuperated and got stronger. Even though I cannot really go physical all the way, I take things one step at a time. My Emotions are slowly healing itself.
Getting into this New Life made me so happy that a lot of things really went my way this time. Slowly and surely.
This is why, today, since I am prompted to undergo this Letting Go Process with Mother Moon's Support, I believe that this will help clean up some dust of negative emotions and hurts inside me. I do not see this as a final stage but a continuous habit of cleaning my ME. This is a regular thing one must do, if not daily, well this can be done as quickly and easily as possible.
This helps in the journey daily. Helps lighten up the baggage as well.
And so, having said this...I believe this is a way of setting a Cleaning Habit in My House of Me.
And it is all good.
Later I will be journaling about the things that I will be cleaning off, letting go of, and releasing to the Universe and Trusting this Power of Support to Me.
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