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Begin Productivity by Trying out New Things and Build Hobbies along the way, while at home.

 Yes, you can try new things, so why not.

    A lot of us are very hesitant to try new things. It takes a lot of effort to go on the first step. We mostly just pretend to be planning and researching certain things before trying.

    We can try it without planning yet. Some things are just so fun that if it catches our attention, we will try them in the blink of an eye. 

    Maybe just going for it at the moment is a good idea. Just like tasting a certain food before ordering a full meal. That is the fun in it. It is trying a little and seeing what it can give you. Maybe it will open your eyes to new things or just not. You'll never know for sure.

    But I agree, there are things that just really need planning and research. Too much at stake when you try it even for a little. I understand that especially if we are talking about Investments. It is risky. 

    But I am just talking about Hobbies that anyone can just try while at home and if it clicks, then build a hobby out of it. 

    Let us talk about Art, drawing, Cooking, and Gardening if you have enough space. Journaling can also be Productive and fun. Photography by using your cell phone is another.

    Even the Art of Communication is a thing a lot of us are doing. We take videos, talk, and tell stories... well, why not do Vlogs. Social Media and Platforms are available for us now that we can put our accomplishments and publish them.

    Whatever you choose to try at home and however you approach it, The idea there is YOU TRY ONE OR TWO,. Just one or maybe two or three, well it is all up to you. Just take it from there. You should not pressure yourself to earn from it right away because it is just for fun. 

    Yes, this is just on a Personal Level. Just for YOU this time. You are not required to earn from it but TO ENJOY IT FOR YOURSELF.

    If you do not do this for yourself, then the idea of having it for yourself is fine. The purpose will not be served as well.

    What is the purpose of this actually?

    Well, this is FOR YOU TO BUILD AS YOUR PERSONAL HOBBY while at home.

    Now what will you do, what will you choose, what will you try first?

    Well, program yourself first so that you will be ready for it. Even the people around you at home, maybe you need to tell them too.


    The reason for this preparation is to give yourself time to arrange things at home so that when you start doing the project you choose, the people around you will not disturb you in your moment. It may be for an hour or maybe for just 30 minutes, but still, PRIVACY is important.

    So, are you ready?

    Try it now. Give yourself that chance now. Nobody can give you that but YOU.

    Begin Productivity on a Personal Level and try building hobbies. Well, who knows what will become of it with you in it.

    It is inevitable somehow. You will still be looking for this in your life. There is no better time to start one than now.

    Even if the reason for being busy is because of work or family, that does not compare to what you can do for yourself.

    You should give yourself that pampering because YOU ARE IMPORTANT TOO. 

    Do not tell me, you will wait until the Kingdom comes to give yourself that. 






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