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Self-Awareness: " Be who you Really are to Enjoy Life to the Fullest ", A Personal Productivity that Starts from within.

 Being self-aware of who we really are is one of the hardest things for most of us, but if it means the beginning of something bigger in life, why not...

No Time to spend on it:

    This is a big thing to do that a lot of us just do not have the time to spend in a day, not even a single hour to start with. Why?

    There are many valid and invalid reasons one can think about to justify it. One big reason that will come to mind is WORK.

    Work can be a valid reason if we think it is so because everybody needs to go out of the house to work. Now, come to think of it, Work time has its own time frame. Mostly it is from 8:00 am. to 5:00 pm. Travel time and some extra errands make it like 2 hours before and after that. So, give and take, 6:oo am to 7:00 pm. Now, that is a time frame most of us just experience with a regular shift job.

    Night shift by the way has a different angle. Experiencing a 9:00 pm to 6:00 am graveyard shift with a Customer Service Representative job, well can be challenging too. Heading home from a 6:00 am end of shift, reach home around 8:00 am. Sleep time from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. But, to complete a 7-hour sleep, one should wake up at around 4:00 p.m. So, Off to work around 6:00 pm. Only 2 hours of space.

    So, because of this time frame, the weekend should be spent wisely, right. Yet, it could then be spent generally cleaning the home or going out for a stroll in malls and food streets. Mostly call it a " Family Time ".

    Well, Household chores are also another famous reason. Being a home buddy or housewife can have a rattle in the schedule too when at home. From morning preparation of breakfast to sending children to school ( to which others stay at school and wait for kids to finish school before heading home). 

    Laundry and house cleaning are not out of the picture. Grocery time, and cooking for meals. The time during the day is filled just like if one is in a work time frame too. It is like a career too.

Going in Circles:

    The feeling of going around in circles can be felt alongside this kind of full routine. Same routine every day from Monday to Friday and the weekends of the same difference. 

    For years and years of being on this same route, did you ever feel that you did just go around in circles? 

    What do you think about it?

    Have you thought of an idea of doing something different?

A Straight Line in Life with YOU in it:

    What if a traveling life adventure on a different path is possible. A straight line instead of going around in circles. Not necessarily leaving everything behind but just having it all different in a way. 

    Maybe putting the most important thing in the world in it, YOU. Hmm, wondering how you suddenly fit in the picture?

    In traveling a straight line you might be wondering where it will lead. Exactly, who is driving this journey? YOU. 

    So buckle up because you play an important role in this journey. This is the reason why you should have time for yourself too.

    Being aware that you are on this path, it is evident that you will have to have time for yourself too.

    It is like having your own business or career that you are the one leading, but it is deeper than that. It is more on a Personal Level. You are the main character in this journey.

    But, why bother if you can just go with what others are typically doing. Not much effort in thinking, planning, making time for yourself, organizing thoughts, and so on. 

    Well, this could just be a straight line that you want for yourself. This could make things better and free. More time for everything. Don't you want that for a start?


Starting small:

    Giving yourself a short experience with starting small can give you a realization worth a lifetime. It will not be offensive to start somewhere because all things will just definitely follow.

    Changing the direction of how you travel your life's journey will be your next big thing in challenging yourself. It is a Personal decision that only you can make or not. 

    A heightened self-awareness is needed to discover that you want something or there is something missing. This feeling usually creeps in when you are alone or stressed. To some, it just pops up as a thought while sitting alone and looking at yourself in the mirror. But unluckily, to some, there is nothing going on even if there is something felt.

    Knowing who you really are by knowing what you want is your first step toward being productive in this state. In this starting point, you will come to yourself with complete honesty and sometimes feel overwhelmed. To some, it will not take long to do this and decide. Some take a long process, so the best value to apply here is Patience.

    Either way, if you make a decision to make changes in your life, that is it. That is a good small start. Then something comes along the way.

The Big Question along the way:

    "Who are you really? " The big question that you encounter along the way. If you are ready to answer that, well and good.

    This question should have an answer that is not influenced by anything around you but within you.

    It is not something that others want you to be. Not influenced by piers and what they think about it. Not even your family members or those closest to you can answer that.


Now Time becomes Precious to you:

    As time goes by, you now know that TIME is important. Spending it wisely becomes your goal. Putting in the most important things in it and not just activities that go in circles. This thing that will make you realize how time is being so important is YOU.

    You will either give up because you feel exhausted and tired, but if YOU are the Most Important part of  YOU, then you will not have any problem at all.

    Time becomes of Value to you that you will find an hour at least in a day to spend with yourself. 

    It may feel a little selfish at first but what can you give to others if you cannot even find time for yourself first. 

    I know you want to spend time with your family and more to work but, what about you? How much time can you spend on the most important "You "?

    Remember this, If you give yourself a SMILE, then you can share a Genuine Smile with another.

What is Important Now is Clear:

    Living life without knowing who you are seems to be unfair this time. 

    Give yourself some of your precious time. 

    Invest in yourself first.    

    Enhance yourself.

    Be the Real You!

Productivity within is a PERSONAL thing:

    Giving meaning to the word PERSONAL can sometimes be awkward. This is what it is called when you do something of value for yourself. It becomes Personal. 

    If you find the strength to give yourself every time, then you are good. Make sure that these things will be Productive. It will be useless if it does not have a result.


Now you know:

    Do not be ashamed of what you discovered just now. It is the beginning of something beautiful. It's the start of an adventure worth exploring. It is now a Great New YOU.

The Challenge Begins:

    A Start you will not regret. An adventure worth taking. If you lose your way, go back in an instant to get that habit flowing. In the long run, this will become a part of your personality and then sink in as YOU.

I Say...

" How willing you are today to start your Journey of Self-awareness will pave a New Path toward an Abundant Life. "

Be well, everyone. Life is good.





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