Journaling. It can be yours too.
My journal has been my greatest companion in life since I knew how to write. I love the idea of writing on a paper with my favorite pen. I love the part where I start to decorate my log with flowers and borders.
It is not like it would replace a companion like a friend or loved one, it is like on a Personal Level for me.
Sometimes my logs are about the things I do not want others to know. I just have to get it off my chest.
" Secrets " is what others would call it.
Most of us journal when depressed. When hard things happen and other things just go wrong, a Diary is a journal to run to. Feeling sad and lonely. A Diary is really very famous.
I had that experience too but mostly I like to write something that will motivate me when I read it.
I also like to journal lessons I have learned in a day or two.
A log of powered words to keep me going.
Planning daily things to do and reminders. This type of journal helps me organize my time and effort to most important things first.
Calendar is also one thing I enjoy in journaling. Nowadays it is called Bullet Journaling. It combines with it the To Do List and Memos.
A Draft of Ideas and Project Studies. This type of journal helps me gather my thoughts and research details on things I am planning to do. Like having projects, it is very important to have one journal to keep all details so that anytime I need references, it is in one place.
Art Journal or Junk Journal are both challenging types of journaling method. Artistic, Expressions, Journey or Travel Journal, Creative Exploration and more. It all has its the Artistic and Creative side in expressing things and thoughts.
There are many types of journals and journaling methods. All of which vary depending on the need of the journaler.
So how would you use a journal?
How many do you need?
How would you make the experience exciting?
How would you use a journal to help you achieve goals?
How will you choose your type of journal hobby?
Do not be afraid to start one even if you have not really tried it. Just bring out your pen and a simple notebook. Start writing one entry a day. If you feel like writing it all in one notebook, do so.
Remember this:
I Say,
" There is no right or wrong in journaling. There is only you in it. "
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